
The name Les Couversets is the name of a very old family from Chateauneuf-du-Pape. The last descendant of this family to bear the name was Suzanne (a distant ancestor of the QUIOT Family).
The land was passed down from generation to generation and is now completely integrated into the QUIOT Family Vineyards.
Produced with care on our estates, or selected during a strict and methodical process, the wines of Les Couversets are modern, dynamic wines but respecting the long family tradition of wines of character.
A very vigorous and generous grape variety, it matures from September 15. Rustic, it is located on not very fertile hillside land. It thrives on warm, stony soils. It produces powerful wines with medium acidity. Its floral and hazelnut aromas develop particularly with age.
Our Marsannes are located in the commune of Sablet and at Plan de Dieu, planted in soils combining pebbles and sand.
Double settling. Vinification partially in wood (around 20%).
Haute Valeur Environnementale


Drink chilled. Even if we recommend drinking this wine when young, Marsanne allows the production of wine with good aging potential.
Ageing potential
2 to 3 years
Aromas of acacia, beeswax, quince, almond, honey and white peach. If you let it age, it will take on notes of hazelnut, almond...
Food pairings
Drink throughout the year, accompanied by salads or goat's cheese.