Le Bossu, Plan de Dieu, Rouge


“Hunchback” is the term for uneven and hilly terrain, which describes our hilly terroirs well.

But a Hunchback is also part of French popular culture. Indeed, in the Middle Ages, hunchbacks (people with a bump on their shoulder) were feared, full of malice and cruelly mocked. However, they were also, according to tradition, a bringer of luck for whoever rubbed their bump.

Our CUVEE DU BOSSU is a mixture of all these senses.
Supported plots producing wines of character, skillfully expressing the riches of the terroir, patiently throughout their maturity.
In the Middle Ages, crossing this vast scrubland forest, at the mercy of thugs, merited entrusting one's soul to God. It is probably to this legend that the Plan of God owes its name. Since then, vines have colonized this territory. Today it extends over 1,500 hectares at an altitude of 110 meters.

The few woods still present are scattered in the heart of this vineyard located on a bed of red clay and a multitude of large rolled pebbles which sink into the ground up to ten meters deep. Due to this considerable thickness, the land is skeletal and produces little: barely more than one bottle per vine! On this terroir, their combination produces bright and colorful wines, dense and concentrated. On the nose, they are reminiscent of the surrounding scrubland: thyme, laurel and undergrowth.
At the level of the appellation, this fairly uniform terroir corresponds to the vast alluvial terrace formed by the Aigues and the Ouvèze at the time of the Riss 2 or 300,000 years ago, topped with limestone pebbles dating from the Era of the Quaternary. These pebbles rest either on blue Pliocene clay or on sandstone, ensuring rising humidity which relatively preserves the growth of the vines during the summer drought.
Total destemming. Vatting: 3 weeks. Aging in concrete vats.
Grenache noir
Haute Valeur Environnementale


Although this wine does not necessarily need to be chilled, you can chill it slightly so that it becomes more refreshing, especially during the summer heat.
Ageing potential
2 to 3 years
This blend gives the Village Plan de Dieu appellation wines concentrated in aromas, with a rich flavor combining red fruits, spices and scents of scrubland, which evolve over time towards tones of leather, anise and licorice.
Food pairings
Provençal stew and poultry.